Eight things you should clear up before beginning a relationship
You searched for him and now you found him! But, mind this, before letting this relationship complicate your life there are some aspects that should be clarified and this needs to be done immediately. You wouldn’t like to get your hopes up with a man that does not plan to stay in that relationship for long. Here you have a list of 6 things that need to be mentioned before falling head over hills in love.
- The future
Don’t wait for him to tell you that he is going to move to Shanghai before you ask him what his plans for the future are. You are wise enough to understand that some things are best to be discussed at first, in order to avoid embarrassing situations or misunderstandings. If he gets agitated and starts sweating after telling him about your plans to get a two bedroom apartment, maybe you should reconsider your future plans with him.
- Your professional life
If you are one of those working girls, don’t become a desperate housewife just because you are in a couple. Are you the type of girl who loves her job and sometimes would rather spend her weekend working on some files? Tell him about your work addiction but let him know that you will do your best to keep your love life and work separated.
- Your sexual life
One thing that you should never do with your future sex partner is to oversell your sexuality and how much you enjoy having sex in different positions or using all kinds of sexual toys. If you are a shy person who blushes only at the thought of having sex, perhaps you shouldn’t come across as an experienced woman. You can experience together new things and this may seem even more interesting and exciting for him.
- Finances
Let’s be honest, your new dress that cost you 150$ will never look like good business for a man, especially for the one that is your boyfriend. It is better, however, to warn him about your habits and that you will never agree to a financial plan even though you admit that sometimes you don’t have the smallest clue of how to spend your money. None the less always be ready to prove him that you are capable enough to pay your rent and also put some money aside for a rainy day.
- Pets
Since the age of five you begged your parents to buy you a pet but they never agreed to it. Now that you are trying to make a life for yourself next to the one you love, it’s about time you see your dream as a child come true. Worn him that your love for small and cute animals is getting stronger and stronger and that you plan to have some of those sooner or later. Than pray to God he won’t say “I’m allergic to cats and dogs” or that he hates pets.
- Children
Even though this is not an easy topic of discussion and it’s definitely one that scares guys off, it should be brought up at some point. Men and women tend to have different opinions about having children this is why, if you are considering motherhood, you should say so loud and clear.
Although it is important to clear up your ideas about the future from the beginning it is also necessary to take into consideration that some adjustments should be made in time. The beginning of a relationship is a moment of passion and intensity and you wouldn’t want to ruin it by asserting too many things. The most important thing is being able to enjoy every second of your time together and living life to the fullest.